First DBM Break Session – Shevonne

DBM Session Shevonne

Having Shevonne visit the DBM office is always a treat. As she does in her music, Shevonne radiates a positive vibe and her free spirit is undeniably contagious. Shevonne’s music style has matured throughout the years while keeping true to herself, the commonality is that her music makes you believe and comes from the soul!


Even if Shevonne is performing a cover gig, her imagination, spirit and passion for life and music illuminates the room. Shevonne’s original music is her focus and writing is how she spends her free time. Shevonne is currently recording and has a lot of big projects and dreams for the future.


Everyone could use a little Shevonne in their life. Her songs and messages are to always be true to yourself, be original and “peace out” if you don’t like it. Enjoy your Shevonne break for the day! 

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