Official Release of “Smoke Show” – Lovestruck Robot’s Latest Music Video

Interview with Jace Magee – Lead Singer of Lovestruck Robot 

If you could feature any other artist in the world on your album/song who would it be?

That’s a hard one. Dead: Michael Jackson Alive: Sting

Where did your inspiration for Smoke Show come from?

Myself and a few buddies were out and about one evening and we walked into this place…This place had an exceptional amount of beautiful women in it. I looked at my friends and said “welcome to the smoke show.” The next day the song “Smoke Show” was born.

Q: How did Lovestruck Robot get its name?

A: I use lovestruck robot as a way of describing my relationship with music. I am the lovestruck robot. Music often controls my emotions, the way I think, the way I act, what mood I’m in etc. turning me into somewhat of a robot, because music takes over.

Q: How would describe your music to someone who has never heard it before?

A: Lovestruck robot is pop music, with heavy R&B and rock influence. R&B rhythms and bass lines with rock guitar riffs and tones. People often expect a description with a comparison of already successful artists.  If you took Justin Timberlake, Maroon 5, Bruno Mars, and Lenny Kravitz and put them in a blender, you would get a Lovestruck Robot smoothie.

Q: Tell us a little bit about your writing process? Do you have any rituals or strange creative methods?

A: I have no set formula whatsoever. Sometimes I’ll come up with a cool chord progression that I like. Sometimes it starts with just an idea, title, or phrase. I usually write the hook of a song first, and then build the rest of the song around the hook.  If there is not a good hook, you don’t have a good song. “Don’t bore us get to the chorus” lol

Q: How would you describe the music style LSR is now compared to where you started? Anything you are excited about incorporating now?

A: We were definitely more rock based when we first started with “I wanna be in a Band.” Now we are more refined and more on an R&B route. I grew up on old R&B music, so I’ve always wanted to make that shift, and hone in on the old vintage sound of live horns etc, but yet still keeping it modern and relevant with today’s music.

Q: If you could go on tour with any band at the moment who would it be?

A: At the moment….Maroon 5

Q: What music have you been most influenced by?

A: Old school pop and R&B. Al Green, Lionel Richie, Stevie Wonder, Hall & Oates, Billy Ocean…Currently I love Justin Timberlake, the Weeknd, Ed Sheeran, John Mayer, Maroon 5, Sam Smith, Mayor Hawthorne, and I’ve always been a big fan of Sting.

Q: What made you first realize you wanted to pursue a career in music?

A: When I was five years old and watched Michael Jackson perform on television.

Q: Do you ever get nervous before performing?

A: I used to get really nervous. Now I only get a little nervous before showcases and bigger shows

Q: As a musician, how would you describe success?

A: Success to me is living comfortably without financial stress, and being happy. If you do what you love to do for a living, you haven’t worked a day in your life. I wouldn’t have to be rich. I wouldn’t have to be famous.

Q: Who/What is your spirit animal?

A: I would say its a turtle, cause they are just chillin’

Q: If you were a box of cereal, what would you be and why?

A: I love granola, with almonds in it. I would want to be that so I could make people healthier 🙂

Q: You’re a new addition to the crayon box, what color would you be and why?

A: I would be alien green because I love aliens and am fascinated with space and the idea of other intelligent life forms throughout the universe.

Q: If there was a movie about your life, who would play you and why?

A: Dominic Monaghan because he’s a cool Irish lad like me, and we look similar lol

Q: How do you eat your Oreos?

A: I don’t eat sweets very often but when I do I put the Oreo in a glass of milk for exactly three Mississippi’s. That provides the perfect combination of soft but yet still firm enough to not be a mushy mess. Mmmmmm

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